06:52 $Data['beginciviltwilightdate'] => 01/18/2011 $Data['sunrise'] => 07:20 $Data['sunrisedate'] => 01/18/2011 $Data['suntransit'] => 12:18 $Data['suntransitdate'] => 01/18/2011 $Data['sunset'] => 17:17 $Data['sunsetdate'] => 01/18/2011 $Data['endciviltwilight'] => 17:46 $Data['endciviltwilightdate'] => 01/18/2011 $Data['moonriseprior'] => 15:13 $Data['moonrisepriordate'] => 01/17/2011 $Data['moonset'] => 06:16 $Data['moonsetdate'] => 01/18/2011 $Data['moonrise'] => 16:21 $Data['moonrisedate'] => 01/18/2011 $Data['moontransit'] => 23:45 $Data['moontransitdate'] => 01/18/2011 $Data['moonsetnext'] => 07:02 $Data['moonsetnextdate'] => 01/19/2011 $Data['moonphase'] => Waxing Gibbous $Data['illumination'] => 98% $Data['hoursofpossibledaylight'] => 09:57 $Data['databy'] => USNO|calculated Note: the moonriseprior and moonrisenext may not always appear in the data from the USNO Author: Ken True - webmaster@saratoga-weather.org */ // Version 1.00 - 18-Jan-2011 - initial release // Version 1.01 - 23-Mar-2011 - added code for missing moonrise/moonset due to prior/next day times // Version 1.02 - 03-Dec-2011 - fixed moonset date if for following day // Version 2.00 - 29-Jul-2015 - changes to use new JSON API call for aa.usno.navy.mil // Version 2.01 - 29-Jul-2015 - added conditionals for moon-prior/moon-next vars (may not be in JSON) // Version 2.02 - 31-Jul-2015 - fixed issue with missing JSON fracillum/curphase data // Version 2.03 - 01-Aug-2015 - added illum. value for missing JSON fracillum data // Version 2.04 - 11-Nov-2015 - use specific local date request instead of relying on date=today // Version 3.00 - 11-Oct-2017 - use cURL for fetch, provide bypass/calculations for api.usno.navy.mil outages // Version 3.01 - 20-Oct-2017 - fix date format for calculated date functions // Version 3.02 - 23-Nov-2018 - change USNO access to https // Version 3.03 - 24-Nov-2019 - force local calcs while USNO offline (planned from 29-Oct-2019 to 30-Apr-2020) // Version 3.04 - 18-Jan-2022 - fixes for Deprecated errata with PHP 8.1 // Version 3.05 - 27-Dec-2022 - fixes for PHP 8.2 $Version = 'get-USNO-sunmoon.php - Version 3.05 - 27-Dec-2022'; // -----------local settings------------------- $ourTZ = "America/Los_Angeles"; //NOTE: this *MUST* be set correctly to // translate UTC times to your LOCAL time for the displays. // set to station latitude/longitude (decimal degrees) $myLat = 37.27153397; //North=positive, South=negative decimal degrees $myLong = - 122.02274323; //East=positive, West=negative decimal degrees // The above settings are for saratoga-weather.org location $myCity = 'Saratoga'; // my city name $useMDY = true; // true=use mm/dd/yyyy for dates, false=use dd/mm/yyyy for dates $cacheFileDir = './'; // default cache file directory $cacheName = "USNO-moondata.txt"; // used to store the file so we don't have to fetch from USNO website $refetchSeconds = 3600; // refetch every nnnn seconds 3600=1 hour $useUSNO = true; // =true; use USNO data, =false; use computed values only (not as accurate) // -----------end local settings -------------- // overrides from Settings.php if available global $SITE; if (isset($SITE['latitude'])) { $myLat = $SITE['latitude']; } if (isset($SITE['longitude'])) { $myLong = $SITE['longitude']; } if (isset($SITE['tz'])) { $ourTZ = $SITE['tz']; } if (isset($SITE['location'])) { $myCity = $SITE['location']; } if (isset($SITE['WDdateMDY'])) { $useMDY = $SITE['WDdateMDY']; } if (isset($SITE['cacheFileDir'])) { $cacheFileDir = $SITE['cacheFileDir']; } if (isset($SITE['useUSNO'])) { $useUSNO = $SITE['useUSNO']; } // end of overrides from Settings.php global $Debug, $doDebug; $Debug = "\n"; $Data = array(); // Set timezone in PHP5/PHP4 manner if (!function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) { putenv("TZ=" . $ourTZ); } else { date_default_timezone_set("$ourTZ"); } if (isset($_REQUEST['force']) or isset($_REQUEST['cache'])) { $refetchSeconds = 1; } if (file_exists($cacheName) and date("Ymd", filemtime($cacheName)) !== date("Ymd")) { $Debug.= "\n"; $refetchSeconds = 1; } $Debug.= "\n"; $doDebug = false; if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) { $doDebug = true; } // temporary fix wile USNO is offline $useUSNO = false; // disable USNO fetch for 29-Oct-2019 thru 30-Apr-2020 for website rebuild if (isset($_REQUEST['calc'])) { $useUSNO = ($_REQUEST['calc'] == 'y') ? false : true; } $myTZOffset = date('Z') / 3600; // difference of our time from UTC in hours $lclToday = date("m/d/Y"); $USNOUrl = "https://api.usno.navy.mil/rstt/oneday?date=$lclToday&coords=$myLat,$myLong&tz=$myTZOffset"; $cacheName = $cacheFileDir . $cacheName; if ($useUSNO) { // do the USNO fetch/process // ---------------- start of decode USNO JSON output ---------------- // either load the cached html page or fetch and cache a new html page if (file_exists($cacheName) and filemtime($cacheName) + $refetchSeconds > time()) { $Debug.= "\n"; $html = implode('', file($cacheName)); } else { $Debug.= "\n"; $html = get_sunmoon_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($USNOUrl); if (preg_match('|200 OK|', $html)) { $fp = fopen($cacheName, "w"); if ($fp) { $write = fputs($fp, $html); fclose($fp); } else { $Debug.= "\n"; } } else { $Debug.= "\n"; } $Debug.= "\n"; } $i = strpos($html, "\r\n\r\n"); $headers = substr($html, 0, $i - 1); $content = substr($html, $i + 4); $Debug.= "\n"; $rawJSON = $content; // kludge.. our unchunking removed this if ($doDebug) { $Debug.= "\n"; $Debug.= "\n"; } // $rawJSON = WU_prepareJSON($rawJSON); $MoonJSON = json_decode($rawJSON, true); // get as associative array $Debug.= get_sunmoon_decode_JSON_error(); if ($doDebug) { $Debug.= "\n"; } /* USNO returns info like: { "error":false, "apiversion":"1.0", "year":2015, "month":7, "day":28,"datechanged":false, "lon":-122.02, "lat":37.67, "tz":-7, "sundata":[ {"phen":"BC", "time":"05:39"}, {"phen":"R", "time":"06:08"}, {"phen":"U", "time":"13:15"}, {"phen":"S", "time":"20:20"}, {"phen":"EC", "time":"20:50"} ], "moondata":[ {"phen":"S", "time":"03:25"}, {"phen":"R", "time":"17:57"}, {"phen":"U", "time":"23:09"} ] , "nextmoondata":[{"phen":"S","time":"04:22"}] , "closestphase":{ "phase":"Full Moon", "date":"July 31, 2015", "time":"03:43" } , "fracillum":"91%" , "curphase":"Waxing Gibbous" } Which we decode as: */ // now slice the page for the main times for the sun and moon $phen_name = array( 'BC' => 'Begin civil twilight', 'R' => 'Rise', 'U' => 'Upper Transit', 'S' => 'Set', 'EC' => 'End civil twilight', 'L' => 'Lower Transit (above the horizon)', '**' => 'object continuously above the horizon', '--' => 'object continuously below the horizon', '^^' => 'object continuously above the twilight limit', '~~' => 'object continuously below the twilight limit', ); $phen_lookup = array( 'BC' => 'beginciviltwilight', 'R' => 'rise', 'U' => 'transit', 'S' => 'set', 'EC' => 'endciviltwilight', 'L' => 'Lower Transit (above the horizon)', '**' => 'object continuously above the horizon', '--' => 'object continuously below the horizon', '^^' => 'object continuously above the twilight limit', '~~' => 'object continuously below the twilight limit', ); /* Targeted output is: USNOdata returns Array ( [beginciviltwilight] => 05:40 [beginciviltwilightdate] => 07/28/2015 [sunrise] => 06:09 [sunrisedate] => 07/28/2015 [suntransit] => 13:15 [suntransitdate] => 07/28/2015 [sunset] => 20:19 [sunsetdate] => 07/28/2015 [endciviltwilight] => 20:48 [endciviltwilightdate] => 07/28/2015 [moonriseprior] => 17:00 [moonrisepriordate] => 07/27/2015 [moonset] => 03:26 [moonsetdate] => 07/28/2015 [moonrise] => 17:56 [moonrisedate] => 07/28/2015 [moontransit] => 23:09 [moontransitdate] => 07/28/2015 [moonsetnext] => 04:23 [moonsetnextdate] => 07/29/2015 [moonphase] => Waxing Gibbous [illumination] => 91% [hoursofpossibledaylight] => 14:10 ) */ $Data = array(); $useDateFormat = $useMDY ? "m/d/Y" : "d/m/Y"; $dateprior = date($useDateFormat, strtotime("-1 day")); $datenow = date($useDateFormat); $datenext = date($useDateFormat, strtotime("+1 day")); $mtype = 'sun'; foreach($MoonJSON['sundata'] as $n => $d) { $mt = $mtype . $phen_lookup[$d['phen']]; if (preg_match('|civil|i', $mt)) { $mt = $phen_lookup[$d['phen']]; // no 'sun' in civil entries } $Data[$mt] = $d['time']; $Data[$mt . 'date'] = $datenow; } $mtype = 'moon'; foreach($MoonJSON['moondata'] as $n => $d) { $mt = $mtype . $phen_lookup[$d['phen']]; $Data[$mt] = $d['time']; $Data[$mt . 'date'] = $datenow; } $mtype = 'moon'; if (isset($MoonJSON['nextmoondata'])) { foreach($MoonJSON['nextmoondata'] as $n => $d) { $mt = $mtype . $phen_lookup[$d['phen']] . 'next'; $Data[$mt] = $d['time']; $Data[$mt . 'date'] = $datenext; } } $mtype = 'moon'; if (isset($MoonJSON['prevmoondata'])) { foreach($MoonJSON['prevmoondata'] as $n => $d) { $mt = $mtype . $phen_lookup[$d['phen']] . 'prior'; $Data[$mt] = $d['time']; $Data[$mt . 'date'] = $dateprior; } } if (isset($MoonJSON['curphase'])) { $Data['moonphase'] = $MoonJSON['curphase']; } if (!isset($Data['moonphase']) and isset($MoonJSON['closestphase']['phase'])) { $Data['moonphase'] = $MoonJSON['closestphase']['phase']; $Debug.= "\n"; } if (isset($MoonJSON['fracillum'])) { $Data['illumination'] = $MoonJSON['fracillum']; } elseif (isset($Data['moonphase'])) { if (preg_match('|full|i', $Data['moonphase'])) { $Data['illumination'] = '100%'; } if (preg_match('|quarter|i', $Data['moonphase'])) { $Data['illumination'] = '50%'; } if (preg_match('|new|i', $Data['moonphase'])) { $Data['illumination'] = '0%'; } if (isset($Data['illumination'])) { $Debug.= "\n"; } } else { $Debug.= "\n"; } if (isset($Data['sunrise']) and isset($Data['sunset'])) { $diff = strtotime($Data['sunset']) - strtotime($Data['sunrise']); $diffh = intval($diff / 3600); // hours $diffm = intval(($diff / 60) % 60); $Data['hoursofpossibledaylight'] = sprintf("%02d:%02d", $diffh, $diffm); } if (!isset($Data['moonrise']) and isset($Data['moonriseprior'])) { $Debug.= "\n"; $Data['moonrise'] = $Data['moonriseprior']; $Data['moonrisedate'] = $Data['moonrisepriordate']; } if (!isset($Data['moonset']) and isset($Data['moonsetnext'])) { $Debug.= "\n"; $Data['moonset'] = $Data['moonsetnext']; $Data['moonsetdate'] = $Data['moonsetnextdate']; } $Data['databy'] = 'USNO'; $Debug.= "\n"; print $Debug; return ($Data); // ---------------- end of decode USNO JSON output ---------------- } else { // do the compute lookup // ---------------- start of compute moon times instead of using USNO data ---------------- $Debug.= "\n"; // create an instance of the class, and use the current time $timeFormat = $useMDY ?"H:i m/d/Y":"H:i d/m/Y"; $moon = new calcMoonPhase(); $age = round($moon->age() , 1); $stage = $moon->phase() < 0.5 ? 'waxing' : 'waning'; $Data['illumination'] = round($moon->illumination() * 100.0) . '%'; $new_moon = gmdate($timeFormat, (integer)$moon->new_moon()); $next_new_moon = gmdate($timeFormat, (integer)$moon->next_new_moon()); $first_quarter = gmdate($timeFormat, (integer)$moon->first_quarter()); $next_first_quarter = gmdate($timeFormat, (integer)$moon->next_first_quarter()); $full_moon = gmdate($timeFormat, (integer)$moon->full_moon()); $next_full_moon = gmdate($timeFormat, (integer)$moon->next_full_moon()); $last_quarter = gmdate($timeFormat, (integer)$moon->last_quarter()); $next_last_quarter = gmdate($timeFormat, (integer)$moon->next_last_quarter()); $Data['moonphase'] = $moon->phase_name(); list($Y, $M, $D) = explode(' ', date("Y n j")); $moonrs = calcMoon::calculateMoonTimes($M, $D, $Y, $myLat, $myLong); list($Data['moonrise'], $Data['moonrisedate']) = explode(" ", date($timeFormat, $moonrs->moonrise)); list($Data['moonset'], $Data['moonsetdate']) = explode(" ", date($timeFormat, $moonrs->moonset)); $SINFO = date_sun_info(time() , $myLat, $myLong); // print_r($SINFO); /* Array ( [sunrise] => 1480345321 [sunset] => 1480380672 [transit] => 1480362996 [civil_twilight_begin] => 1480343611 [civil_twilight_end] => 1480382381 [nautical_twilight_begin] => 1480341680 [nautical_twilight_end] => 1480384313 [astronomical_twilight_begin] => 1480339797 [astronomical_twilight_end] => 1480386196 ) */ list($Data['beginciviltwilight'], $Data['beginciviltwilightdate']) = explode(" ", date($timeFormat, $SINFO['civil_twilight_begin'])); list($Data['sunrise'], $Data['sunrisedate']) = explode(" ", date($timeFormat, $SINFO['sunrise'])); list($Data['suntransit'], $Data['suntransitdate']) = explode(" ", date($timeFormat, $SINFO['transit'])); list($Data['sunset'], $Data['sunsetdate']) = explode(" ", date($timeFormat, $SINFO['sunset'])); list($Data['endciviltwilight'], $Data['endciviltwilightdate']) = explode(" ", date($timeFormat, $SINFO['civil_twilight_end'])); $Data['hoursofpossibledaylight'] = gmdate('H:i', $SINFO['sunset'] - $SINFO['sunrise']); $moonTimes = new calcMoonRiSet($myLat, $myLong, $ourTZ); $moonTimes->setDate(date("Y") , date("m") , date("d")); $moonTransit = $moonTimes->transit["timestamp"]; $Debug.= "\n"; if ($moonTransit > 99999) { list($Data['moontransit'], $Data['moontransitdate']) = explode(" ", date($timeFormat, $moonTransit)); } $Data['databy'] = 'calculated'; $Debug.= "\n"; print $Debug; return ($Data); // ---------------- end of compute moon times instead of using USNO data ---------------- } } // end of getUSNOsunmoon function // --------- end of mainline function -------------- // get contents from one URL and return as string // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_sunmoon_fetchUrlWithoutHanging($url, $useFopen = false) { // get contents from one URL and return as string global $Debug, $needCookie; $overall_start = time(); if (!$useFopen) { // Set maximum number of seconds (can have floating-point) to wait for feed before displaying page without feed $numberOfSeconds = 30; // Thanks to Curly from ricksturf.com for the cURL fetch functions $data = ''; $domain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); $theURL = str_replace('nocache', '?' . $overall_start, $url); // add cache-buster to URL if needed $Debug.= "\n"; $ch = curl_init(); // initialize a cURL session curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $theURL); // connect to provided URL curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); // don't verify peer certificate curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (get-USNO-sunmoon.php - saratoga-weather.org)'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, // request LD-JSON format array( "Accept: text/html,text/plain" )); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $numberOfSeconds); // connection timeout curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $numberOfSeconds); // data timeout curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // return the data transfer curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, false); // set nobody curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); // include header information // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); // follow Location: redirect // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 1); // but only one time if (isset($needCookie[$domain])) { curl_setopt($ch, $needCookie[$domain]); // set the cookie for this request curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true); // and ignore prior cookies $Debug.= "\n"; } $data = curl_exec($ch); // execute session if (curl_error($ch) <> '') { // IF there is an error $Debug.= "\n"; // display error notice } $cinfo = curl_getinfo($ch); // get info on curl exec. /* curl info sample Array ( [url] => http://saratoga-weather.net/clientraw.txt [content_type] => text/plain [http_code] => 200 [header_size] => 266 [request_size] => 141 [filetime] => -1 [ssl_verify_result] => 0 [redirect_count] => 0 [total_time] => 0.125 [namelookup_time] => 0.016 [connect_time] => 0.063 [pretransfer_time] => 0.063 [size_upload] => 0 [size_download] => 758 [speed_download] => 6064 [speed_upload] => 0 [download_content_length] => 758 [upload_content_length] => -1 [starttransfer_time] => 0.125 [redirect_time] => 0 [redirect_url] => [primary_ip] => [certinfo] => Array ( ) [primary_port] => 80 [local_ip] => [local_port] => 54156 ) */ $Debug.= "\n"; // $Debug .= "\n"; curl_close($ch); // close the cURL session // $Debug .= "\n"; $i = strpos($data, "\r\n\r\n"); $headers = substr($data, 0, $i); $content = substr($data, $i + 4); if ($cinfo['http_code'] <> '200') { $Debug.= "\n"; } return $data; // return headers+contents } else { // print "\n"; $STRopts = array( 'http' => array( 'method' => "GET", 'protocol_version' => 1.1, 'header' => "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\r\n" . "Cache-control: max-age=0\r\n" . "Connection: close\r\n" . "User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (get-USNO-sunmoon.php - saratoga-weather.org)\r\n" . "Accept: text/html,text/plain\r\n" ) , 'https' => array( 'method' => "GET", 'protocol_version' => 1.1, 'header' => "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\r\n" . "Cache-control: max-age=0\r\n" . "Connection: close\r\n" . "User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (get-USNO-sunmoon.php - saratoga-weather.org)\r\n" . "Accept: text/html,text/plain\r\n" ) ); $STRcontext = stream_context_create($STRopts); $T_start = get_sunmoon_fetch_microtime(); $xml = file_get_contents($url, false, $STRcontext); $T_close = get_sunmoon_fetch_microtime(); $headerarray = get_headers($url, 0); $theaders = join("\r\n", $headerarray); $xml = $theaders . "\r\n\r\n" . $xml; $ms_total = sprintf("%01.3f", round($T_close - $T_start, 3)); $Debug.= "\n"; $Debug.= "<-- get_headers returns\n" . $theaders . "\n -->\n"; // print " file() stats: total=$ms_total secs.\n"; $overall_end = time(); $overall_elapsed = $overall_end - $overall_start; $Debug.= "\n"; // print "fetch function elapsed= $overall_elapsed secs.\n"; return ($xml); } } // end get_sunmoon_fetchUrlWithoutHanging // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function get_sunmoon_fetch_microtime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ function get_sunmoon_decode_JSON_error() { $Status = ''; $Status.= "\n"; return ($Status); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Classes for moon calculations // ------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Moon phase calculation class * Adapted for PHP from Moontool for Windows (http://www.fourmilab.ch/moontoolw/) * by Samir Shah (http://rayofsolaris.net) * License: MIT * Adapted by K. True - Saratoga-weather.org 15-Aug-2017 * */ class calcMoonPhase { private $timestamp; private $phase; private $illum; private $age; private $dist; private $angdia; private $sundist; private $sunangdia; private $synmonth; private $quarters = null; function __construct($pdate = null) { if (is_null($pdate)) $pdate = time(); /* Astronomical constants */ $epoch = 2444238.5; // 1980 January 0.0 /* Constants defining the Sun's apparent orbit */ $elonge = 278.833540; // Ecliptic longitude of the Sun at epoch 1980.0 $elongp = 282.596403; // Ecliptic longitude of the Sun at perigee $eccent = 0.016718; // Eccentricity of Earth's orbit $sunsmax = 1.495985e8; // Semi-major axis of Earth's orbit, km $sunangsiz = 0.533128; // Sun's angular size, degrees, at semi-major axis distance /* Elements of the Moon's orbit, epoch 1980.0 */ $mmlong = 64.975464; // Moon's mean longitude at the epoch $mmlongp = 349.383063; // Mean longitude of the perigee at the epoch $mlnode = 151.950429; // Mean longitude of the node at the epoch $minc = 5.145396; // Inclination of the Moon's orbit $mecc = 0.054900; // Eccentricity of the Moon's orbit $mangsiz = 0.5181; // Moon's angular size at distance a from Earth $msmax = 384401; // Semi-major axis of Moon's orbit in km $mparallax = 0.9507; // Parallax at distance a from Earth $synmonth = 29.53058868; // Synodic month (new Moon to new Moon) $this->synmonth = $synmonth; $lunatbase = 2423436.0; // Base date for E. W. Brown's numbered series of lunations (1923 January 16) /* Properties of the Earth */ // $earthrad = 6378.16; // Radius of Earth in kilometres // $PI = 3.14159265358979323846; // Assume not near black hole $this->timestamp = $pdate; // pdate is coming in as a UNIX timstamp, so convert it to Julian $pdate = $pdate / 86400 + 2440587.5; /* Calculation of the Sun's position */ $Day = $pdate - $epoch; // Date within epoch $N = $this->fixangle((360 / 365.2422) * $Day); // Mean anomaly of the Sun $M = $this->fixangle($N + $elonge - $elongp); // Convert from perigee co-ordinates to epoch 1980.0 $Ec = $this->kepler($M, $eccent); // Solve equation of Kepler $Ec = sqrt((1 + $eccent) / (1 - $eccent)) * tan($Ec / 2); $Ec = 2 * rad2deg(atan($Ec)); // True anomaly $Lambdasun = $this->fixangle($Ec + $elongp); // Sun's geocentric ecliptic longitude $F = ((1 + $eccent * cos(deg2rad($Ec))) / (1 - $eccent * $eccent)); // Orbital distance factor $SunDist = $sunsmax / $F; // Distance to Sun in km $SunAng = $F * $sunangsiz; // Sun's angular size in degrees /* Calculation of the Moon's position */ $ml = $this->fixangle(13.1763966 * $Day + $mmlong); // Moon's mean longitude $MM = $this->fixangle($ml - 0.1114041 * $Day - $mmlongp); // Moon's mean anomaly $MN = $this->fixangle($mlnode - 0.0529539 * $Day); // Moon's ascending node mean longitude $Ev = 1.2739 * sin(deg2rad(2 * ($ml - $Lambdasun) - $MM)); // Evection $Ae = 0.1858 * sin(deg2rad($M)); // Annual equation $A3 = 0.37 * sin(deg2rad($M)); // Correction term $MmP = $MM + $Ev - $Ae - $A3; // Corrected anomaly $mEc = 6.2886 * sin(deg2rad($MmP)); // Correction for the equation of the centre $A4 = 0.214 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $MmP)); // Another correction term $lP = $ml + $Ev + $mEc - $Ae + $A4; // Corrected longitude $V = 0.6583 * sin(deg2rad(2 * ($lP - $Lambdasun))); // Variation $lPP = $lP + $V; // True longitude $NP = $MN - 0.16 * sin(deg2rad($M)); // Corrected longitude of the node $y = sin(deg2rad($lPP - $NP)) * cos(deg2rad($minc)); // Y inclination coordinate $x = cos(deg2rad($lPP - $NP)); // X inclination coordinate $Lambdamoon = rad2deg(atan2($y, $x)) + $NP; // Ecliptic longitude $BetaM = rad2deg(asin(sin(deg2rad($lPP - $NP)) * sin(deg2rad($minc)))); // Ecliptic latitude /* Calculation of the phase of the Moon */ $MoonAge = $lPP - $Lambdasun; // Age of the Moon in degrees $MoonPhase = (1 - cos(deg2rad($MoonAge))) / 2; // Phase of the Moon // Distance of moon from the centre of the Earth $MoonDist = ($msmax * (1 - $mecc * $mecc)) / (1 + $mecc * cos(deg2rad($MmP + $mEc))); $MoonDFrac = $MoonDist / $msmax; $MoonAng = $mangsiz / $MoonDFrac; // Moon's angular diameter // $MoonPar = $mparallax / $MoonDFrac; // Moon's parallax // store results $this->phase = $this->fixangle($MoonAge) / 360; // Phase (0 to 1) $this->illum = $MoonPhase; // Illuminated fraction (0 to 1) $this->age = $synmonth * $this->phase; // Age of moon (days) $this->dist = $MoonDist; // Distance (kilometres) $this->angdia = $MoonAng; // Angular diameter (degrees) $this->sundist = $SunDist; // Distance to Sun (kilometres) $this->sunangdia = $SunAng; // Sun's angular diameter (degrees) } private function fixangle($a) { return ($a - 360 * floor($a / 360)); } // KEPLER -- Solve the equation of Kepler. private function kepler($m, $ecc) { $epsilon = 0.000001; // 1E-6 $e = $m = deg2rad($m); do { $delta = $e - $ecc * sin($e) - $m; $e-= $delta / (1 - $ecc * cos($e)); } while (abs($delta) > $epsilon); return $e; } /* Calculates time of the mean new Moon for a given base date. This argument K to this function is the precomputed synodic month index, given by: K = (year - 1900) * 12.3685 where year is expressed as a year and fractional year. */ private function meanphase($sdate, $k) { // Time in Julian centuries from 1900 January 0.5 $t = ($sdate - 2415020.0) / 36525; $t2 = $t * $t; $t3 = $t2 * $t; $nt1 = 2415020.75933 + $this->synmonth * $k + 0.0001178 * $t2 - 0.000000155 * $t3 + 0.00033 * sin(deg2rad(166.56 + 132.87 * $t - 0.009173 * $t2)); return $nt1; } /* Given a K value used to determine the mean phase of the new moon, and a phase selector (0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75), obtain the true, corrected phase time. */ private function truephase($k, $phase) { $apcor = false; $k+= $phase; // Add phase to new moon time $t = $k / 1236.85; // Time in Julian centuries from 1900 January 0.5 $t2 = $t * $t; // Square for frequent use $t3 = $t2 * $t; // Cube for frequent use $pt = 2415020.75933 // Mean time of phase + $this->synmonth * $k + 0.0001178 * $t2 - 0.000000155 * $t3 + 0.00033 * sin(deg2rad(166.56 + 132.87 * $t - 0.009173 * $t2)); $m = 359.2242 + 29.10535608 * $k - 0.0000333 * $t2 - 0.00000347 * $t3; // Sun's mean anomaly $mprime = 306.0253 + 385.81691806 * $k + 0.0107306 * $t2 + 0.00001236 * $t3; // Moon's mean anomaly $f = 21.2964 + 390.67050646 * $k - 0.0016528 * $t2 - 0.00000239 * $t3; // Moon's argument of latitude if ($phase < 0.01 || abs($phase - 0.5) < 0.01) { // Corrections for New and Full Moon $pt+= (0.1734 - 0.000393 * $t) * sin(deg2rad($m)) + 0.0021 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $m)) - 0.4068 * sin(deg2rad($mprime)) + 0.0161 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $mprime)) - 0.0004 * sin(deg2rad(3 * $mprime)) + 0.0104 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $f)) - 0.0051 * sin(deg2rad($m + $mprime)) - 0.0074 * sin(deg2rad($m - $mprime)) + 0.0004 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $f + $m)) - 0.0004 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $f - $m)) - 0.0006 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $f + $mprime)) + 0.0010 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $f - $mprime)) + 0.0005 * sin(deg2rad($m + 2 * $mprime)); $apcor = true; } else if (abs($phase - 0.25) < 0.01 || abs($phase - 0.75) < 0.01) { $pt+= (0.1721 - 0.0004 * $t) * sin(deg2rad($m)) + 0.0021 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $m)) - 0.6280 * sin(deg2rad($mprime)) + 0.0089 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $mprime)) - 0.0004 * sin(deg2rad(3 * $mprime)) + 0.0079 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $f)) - 0.0119 * sin(deg2rad($m + $mprime)) - 0.0047 * sin(deg2rad($m - $mprime)) + 0.0003 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $f + $m)) - 0.0004 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $f - $m)) - 0.0006 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $f + $mprime)) + 0.0021 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $f - $mprime)) + 0.0003 * sin(deg2rad($m + 2 * $mprime)) + 0.0004 * sin(deg2rad($m - 2 * $mprime)) - 0.0003 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $m + $mprime)); if ($phase < 0.5) // First quarter correction $pt+= 0.0028 - 0.0004 * cos(deg2rad($m)) + 0.0003 * cos(deg2rad($mprime)); else // Last quarter correction $pt+= - 0.0028 + 0.0004 * cos(deg2rad($m)) - 0.0003 * cos(deg2rad($mprime)); $apcor = true; } if (!$apcor) { // function was called with an invalid phase selector return false; } return $pt; } /* Find time of phases of the moon which surround the current date. Five phases are found, starting and ending with the new moons which bound the current lunation. */ private function phasehunt() { $sdate = $this->utctojulian($this->timestamp); $adate = $sdate - 45; $ats = $this->timestamp - 86400 * 45; $yy = (int)gmdate('Y', $ats); $mm = (int)gmdate('n', $ats); $k1 = floor(($yy + (($mm - 1) * (1 / 12)) - 1900) * 12.3685); $adate = $nt1 = $this->meanphase($adate, $k1); while (true) { $adate+= $this->synmonth; $k2 = $k1 + 1; $nt2 = $this->meanphase($adate, $k2); // if nt2 is close to sdate, then mean phase isn't good enough, we have to be more accurate if (abs($nt2 - $sdate) < 0.75) $nt2 = $this->truephase($k2, 0.0); if ($nt1 <= $sdate && $nt2 > $sdate) break; $nt1 = $nt2; $k1 = $k2; } // results in Julian dates $data = array( $this->truephase($k1, 0.0) , $this->truephase($k1, 0.25) , $this->truephase($k1, 0.5) , $this->truephase($k1, 0.75) , $this->truephase($k2, 0.0) , $this->truephase($k2, 0.25) , $this->truephase($k2, 0.5) , $this->truephase($k2, 0.75) ); $this->quarters = array(); foreach($data as $v) $this->quarters[] = ($v - 2440587.5) * 86400; // convert to UNIX time } /* Convert UNIX timestamp to astronomical Julian time (i.e. Julian date plus day fraction). */ private function utctojulian($ts) { return $ts / 86400 + 2440587.5; } private function get_phase($n) { if (is_null($this->quarters)) $this->phasehunt(); return $this->quarters[$n]; } /* Public functions for accessing results */ function phase() { return $this->phase; } function illumination() { return $this->illum; } function age() { return $this->age; } function distance() { return $this->dist; } function diameter() { return $this->angdia; } function sundistance() { return $this->sundist; } function sundiameter() { return $this->sunangdia; } function new_moon() { return $this->get_phase(0); } function first_quarter() { return $this->get_phase(1); } function full_moon() { return $this->get_phase(2); } function last_quarter() { return $this->get_phase(3); } function next_new_moon() { return $this->get_phase(4); } function next_first_quarter() { return $this->get_phase(5); } function next_full_moon() { return $this->get_phase(6); } function next_last_quarter() { return $this->get_phase(7); } function phase_name() { // Ken's take on Phase Name calculation $ph = round($this->phase * 100); if ($ph <= 1 || $ph >= 98) { return ('New Moon'); } elseif ($ph > 1 && $ph < 24) { return ('Waxing Crescent'); } elseif ($ph >= 24 && $ph <= 27) { return ('First Quarter'); } elseif ($ph > 27 && $ph < 49) { return ('Waxing Gibbous'); } elseif ($ph >= 49 && $ph <= 52) { return ('Full Moon'); } elseif ($ph > 52 && $ph < 74) { return ('Waning Gibbous'); } elseif ($ph >= 74 && $ph <= 77) { return ('Last Quarter'); } elseif ($ph > 77 && $ph < 98) { return ('Waning Crescent'); } } } // end class MoonPhase /****************************************************************************** * The following is a PHP implementation of the JavaScript code found at: * * http://bodmas.org/astronomy/riset.html * * * * Original maths and code written by Keith Burnett * * PHP port written by Matt "dxprog" Hackmann * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * * * * Adapted by K. True - Saratoga-weather.org 15-Aug-2017 * ******************************************************************************/ class calcMoon { /** * Calculates the moon rise/set for a given location and day of year */ public static function calculateMoonTimes($month, $day, $year, $lat, $lon) { $utrise = $utset = 0; // $timezone = (int)($lon / 15); $date = self::modifiedJulianDate($month, $day, $year); // $date -= $timezone / 24; $timezone = date('Z') / 3600; // KT $date-= $timezone / 24; $latRad = deg2rad($lat); $sinho = 0.0023271056; $sglat = sin($latRad); $cglat = cos($latRad); $rise = false; $set = false; $above = false; $hour = 1; $ym = self::sinAlt($date, $hour - 1, $lon, $cglat, $sglat) - $sinho; $above = $ym > 0; while ($hour < 25 && (false == $set || false == $rise)) { $yz = self::sinAlt($date, $hour, $lon, $cglat, $sglat) - $sinho; $yp = self::sinAlt($date, $hour + 1, $lon, $cglat, $sglat) - $sinho; $quadout = self::quad($ym, $yz, $yp); $nz = $quadout[0]; $z1 = $quadout[1]; $z2 = $quadout[2]; $xe = $quadout[3]; $ye = $quadout[4]; if ($nz == 1) { if ($ym < 0) { $utrise = $hour + $z1; $rise = true; } else { $utset = $hour + $z1; $set = true; } } if ($nz == 2) { if ($ye < 0) { $utrise = $hour + $z2; $utset = $hour + $z1; } else { $utrise = $hour + $z1; $utset = $hour + $z2; } } $ym = $yp; $hour+= 2.0; } // Convert to unix timestamps and return as an object $retVal = new stdClass(); $utrise = self::convertTime($utrise); $utset = self::convertTime($utset); $retVal->moonrise = $rise ? mktime($utrise['hrs'], $utrise['min'], 0, $month, $day, $year) : mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + 1, $year); $retVal->moonset = $set ? mktime($utset['hrs'], $utset['min'], 0, $month, $day, $year) : mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + 1, $year); return $retVal; } /** * finds the parabola throuh the three points (-1,ym), (0,yz), (1, yp) * and returns the coordinates of the max/min (if any) xe, ye * the values of x where the parabola crosses zero (roots of the self::quadratic) * and the number of roots (0, 1 or 2) within the interval [-1, 1] * * well, this routine is producing sensible answers * * results passed as array [nz, z1, z2, xe, ye] */ private static function quad($ym, $yz, $yp) { $nz = $z1 = $z2 = 0; $a = 0.5 * ($ym + $yp) - $yz; $b = 0.5 * ($yp - $ym); $c = $yz; $xe = - $b / (2 * $a); $ye = ($a * $xe + $b) * $xe + $c; $dis = $b * $b - 4 * $a * $c; if ($dis > 0) { $dx = 0.5 * sqrt($dis) / abs($a); $z1 = $xe - $dx; $z2 = $xe + $dx; $nz = abs($z1) < 1 ? $nz + 1 : $nz; $nz = abs($z2) < 1 ? $nz + 1 : $nz; $z1 = $z1 < - 1 ? $z2 : $z1; } return array( $nz, $z1, $z2, $xe, $ye ); } /** * this rather mickey mouse function takes a lot of * arguments and then returns the sine of the altitude of the moon */ private static function sinAlt($mjd, $hour, $glon, $cglat, $sglat) { $mjd+= $hour / 24; $t = ($mjd - 51544.5) / 36525; $objpos = self::minimoon($t); $ra = $objpos[1]; $dec = $objpos[0]; $decRad = deg2rad($dec); $tau = 15 * (self::lmst($mjd, $glon) - $ra); return $sglat * sin($decRad) + $cglat * cos($decRad) * cos(deg2rad($tau)); } /** * returns an angle in degrees in the range 0 to 360 */ private static function degRange($x) { $b = $x / 360; $a = 360 * ($b - (int)$b); $retVal = $a < 0 ? $a + 360 : $a; return $retVal; } private static function lmst($mjd, $glon) { $d = $mjd - 51544.5; $t = $d / 36525; $lst = self::degRange(280.46061839 + 360.98564736629 * $d + 0.000387933 * $t * $t - $t * $t * $t / 38710000); return $lst / 15 + $glon / 15; } /** * takes t and returns the geocentric ra and dec in an array mooneq * claimed good to 5' (angle) in ra and 1' in dec * tallies with another approximate method and with ICE for a couple of dates */ private static function minimoon($t) { $p2 = 6.283185307; $arc = 206264.8062; $coseps = 0.91748; $sineps = 0.39778; $lo = self::frac(0.606433 + 1336.855225 * $t); $l = $p2 * self::frac(0.374897 + 1325.552410 * $t); $l2 = $l * 2; $ls = $p2 * self::frac(0.993133 + 99.997361 * $t); $d = $p2 * self::frac(0.827361 + 1236.853086 * $t); $d2 = $d * 2; $f = $p2 * self::frac(0.259086 + 1342.227825 * $t); $f2 = $f * 2; $sinls = sin($ls); $sinf2 = sin($f2); $dl = 22640 * sin($l); $dl+= - 4586 * sin($l - $d2); $dl+= 2370 * sin($d2); $dl+= 769 * sin($l2); $dl+= - 668 * $sinls; $dl+= - 412 * $sinf2; $dl+= - 212 * sin($l2 - $d2); $dl+= - 206 * sin($l + $ls - $d2); $dl+= 192 * sin($l + $d2); $dl+= - 165 * sin($ls - $d2); $dl+= - 125 * sin($d); $dl+= - 110 * sin($l + $ls); $dl+= 148 * sin($l - $ls); $dl+= - 55 * sin($f2 - $d2); $s = $f + ($dl + 412 * $sinf2 + 541 * $sinls) / $arc; $h = $f - $d2; $n = - 526 * sin($h); $n+= 44 * sin($l + $h); $n+= - 31 * sin(-$l + $h); $n+= - 23 * sin($ls + $h); $n+= 11 * sin(-$ls + $h); $n+= - 25 * sin(-$l2 + $f); $n+= 21 * sin(-$l + $f); $L_moon = $p2 * self::frac($lo + $dl / 1296000); $B_moon = (18520.0 * sin($s) + $n) / $arc; $cb = cos($B_moon); $x = $cb * cos($L_moon); $v = $cb * sin($L_moon); $w = sin($B_moon); $y = $coseps * $v - $sineps * $w; $z = $sineps * $v + $coseps * $w; $rho = sqrt(1 - $z * $z); $dec = (360 / $p2) * atan($z / $rho); $ra = (48 / $p2) * atan($y / ($x + $rho)); $ra = $ra < 0 ? $ra + 24 : $ra; return array( $dec, $ra ); } /** * returns the self::fractional part of x as used in self::minimoon and minisun */ private static function frac($x) { $x-= (int)$x; return $x < 0 ? $x + 1 : $x; } /** * Takes the day, month, year and hours in the day and returns the * modified julian day number defined as mjd = jd - 2400000.5 * checked OK for Greg era dates - 26th Dec 02 */ private static function modifiedJulianDate($month, $day, $year) { if ($month <= 2) { $month+= 12; $year--; } $a = 10000 * $year + 100 * $month + $day; $b = 0; if ($a <= 15821004.1) { $b = - 2 * (int)(($year + 4716) / 4) - 1179; } else { $b = (int)($year / 400) - (int)($year / 100) + (int)($year / 4); } $a = 365 * $year - 679004; return $a + $b + (int)(30.6001 * ($month + 1)) + $day; } /** * Converts an hours decimal to hours and minutes */ private static function convertTime($hours) { $hrs = (int)($hours * 60 + 0.5) / 60.0; $h = (int)($hrs); $m = (int)(60 * ($hrs - $h) + 0.5); return array( 'hrs' => $h, 'min' => $m ); } } // end class Moon /****************************************************************************** * The following is courtesy of Jachym https://meteotemplate.com * * Note: the moon rise/set is NOT quite as accurate as that * * provided by the prior calcMoon class above, so is only used for moon * * transit time * * * ******************************************************************************* */ /* ############ MOON FUNCTIONS #################### */ // Moon rise/set class calcMoonRiSet { const RADEG = 57.29577951308232; const DEGRAD = 0.01745329251994; const ARC = 206264.8; const SIN_EPS = 0.39768; // sin+cos obliquity ecliptic (23d26m) const COS_EPS = 0.91752; const PREC = 18; // precision private $_sinEarthLatitude, $_cosEarthLatitude; private $_data = array(); public $earthLatitude,$earthLongitude,$earthTimezone; public $tdiff,$transit,$rise,$set,$rise2,$set2; public function __construct($earthLatitude = false, $earthLongitude = false, $earthTimezone = false) { if ($earthLatitude === false) $this->earthLatitude = ini_get('date.default_latitude'); else $this->earthLatitude = $earthLatitude; if ($earthLongitude === false) $this->earthLongitude = ini_get('date.default_longitude'); else $this->earthLongitude = $earthLongitude; if ($earthTimezone === false) $this->earthTimezone = ini_get('date.timezone'); else $this->earthTimezone = $earthTimezone; // set current day $this->setDate(date("Y", time()) , date("n", time()) , date("j", time())); } // set day public function setDate($year, $month, $day) { if ($year < 1583 or $year > 2500) return (false); $old_timezone = date_default_timezone_get(); date_default_timezone_set($this->earthTimezone); // calculation day's table, begin+end time $t = $tb = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); $te = mktime(24, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); $this->tdiff = ($te - $tb) / self::PREC; $this->_sinEarthLatitude = $this->dsin($this->earthLatitude); $this->_cosEarthLatitude = $this->dcos($this->earthLatitude); $i = 0; while ($i <= self::PREC) { $this->_data[$i]["timestamp"] = $t; $jd = $this->getJulianDate($t); $LST = $this->getLST($jd); // Local Sidereal Time $this->_data[$i]["LST"] = $LST; list($RA, $de) = $this->miniMoon(($jd - 2451545.0) / 36525.0); $this->_data[$i]["RA"] = $RA; $HA = $LST - $RA; // hour angle if ($HA > 12) $HA-= 24; $this->_data[$i]["HA"] = $HA; $this->_data[$i]["sAlt"] = $this->_sinEarthLatitude * $this->dsin($de) + $this->_cosEarthLatitude * $this->dcos($de) * $this->dcos(15 * $this->_data[$i]["HA"]); // sinus Altitude $t+= $this->tdiff; $i++; } // Moon transit list($this->transit["timestamp"], $this->transit["hhmm"], $this->transit["hh:mm"]) = $this->getTransit("HA"); // Moon's rise and set list($this->rise["timestamp"], $this->rise["hhmm"], $this->rise["hh:mm"], $this->set["timestamp"], $this->set["hhmm"], $this->set["hh:mm"], $this->rise2["timestamp"], $this->rise2["hhmm"], $this->rise2["hh:mm"], $this->set2["timestamp"], $this->set2["hhmm"], $this->set2["hh:mm"]) = $this->getRiSet("sAlt", $this->dsin(0.125)); date_default_timezone_set($old_timezone); return (true); } // PRIVATE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private function getTransit($o) { $fT = false; for ($i = 1; $i < self::PREC && !$fT; $i+= 2) { if (($this->_data[$i - 1][$o] < 0 && $this->_data[$i][$o] >= 0) || ($this->_data[$i][$o] <= 0 && $this->_data[$i + 1][$o] > 0)) { list($nz, $z1, $z2, $xe, $ye) = $this->quad($this->_data[$i - 1][$o], $this->_data[$i][$o], $this->_data[$i + 1][$o]); $fT = true; $oTran = $this->_data[$i]["timestamp"] + $this->tdiff * $z1; } } if ($fT) list($transit["timestamp"], $transit["hhmm"], $transit["hh:mm"]) = $this->formatTime($oTran); else { $transit["timestamp"] = false; $transit["hhmm"] = " "; $transit["hh:mm"] = " "; } return array( $transit["timestamp"], $transit["hhmm"], $transit["hh:mm"] ); } private function getRiSet($o, $alt) { $fRise = $fSet = false; $fAbove = false; $oRise2 = $oSet2 = false; if ($this->_data[0][$o] > $alt) $fAbove = true; for ($i = 1; $i < self::PREC; $i+= 2) { list($nz, $z1, $z2, $xe, $ye) = $this->quad($this->_data[$i - 1][$o] - $alt, $this->_data[$i][$o] - $alt, $this->_data[$i + 1][$o] - $alt); if ($nz == 1) { if ($this->_data[$i - 1][$o] < $alt) { if ($fRise === true) $oRise2 = $this->_data[$i]["timestamp"] + $this->tdiff * $z1; else { $oRise = $this->_data[$i]["timestamp"] + $this->tdiff * $z1; $fRise = true; } } else { if ($fSet === true) $oSet2 = $this->_data[$i]["timestamp"] + $this->tdiff * $z1; else { $oSet = $this->_data[$i]["timestamp"] + $this->tdiff * $z1; $fSet = true; } } } elseif ($nz == 2) { if ($ye < 0.0) { $oRise = $this->_data[$i]["timestamp"] + $this->tdiff * $z2; $oSet = $this->_data[$i]["timestamp"] + $this->tdiff * $z1; } else { $oRise = $this->_data[$i]["timestamp"] + $this->tdiff * $z1; $oSet = $this->_data[$i]["timestamp"] + $this->tdiff * $z2; } $fRise = $fSet = true; } } // output if ($fRise === true || $fSet === true) { if ($fRise === true) { list($rise["timestamp"], $rise["hhmm"], $rise["hh:mm"]) = $this->formatTime($oRise); list($rise2["timestamp"], $rise2["hhmm"], $rise2["hh:mm"]) = $this->formatTime($oRise2); } else { $rise["timestamp"] = false; $rise["hhmm"] = " "; $rise["hh:mm"] = " "; } if ($fSet === true) { list($set["timestamp"], $set["hhmm"], $set["hh:mm"]) = $this->formatTime($oSet); list($set2["timestamp"], $set2["hhmm"], $set2["hh:mm"]) = $this->formatTime($oSet2); } else { $set["timestamp"] = true; $set["hhmm"] = " "; $set["hh:mm"] = " "; } } else { if ($fAbove === true) { // continuously above horizon $rise["timestamp"] = $set["timestamp"] = true; $rise["hhmm"] = $set["hhmm"] = "****"; $rise["hh:mm"] = $set["hh:mm"] = "**:**"; } else { // continuously below horizon $rise["timestamp"] = $set["timestamp"] = false; $rise["hhmm"] = $set["hhmm"] = "----"; $rise["hh:mm"] = $set["hh:mm"] = "--:--"; } } // return if ($oRise2 !== false) { return array( $rise["timestamp"], $rise["hhmm"], $rise["hh:mm"], $set["timestamp"], $set["hhmm"], $set["hh:mm"], $rise2["timestamp"], $rise2["hhmm"], $rise2["hh:mm"], false, false, false ); } elseif ($oSet2 !== false) { return array( $rise["timestamp"], $rise["hhmm"], $rise["hh:mm"], $set["timestamp"], $set["hhmm"], $set["hh:mm"], false, false, false, $set2["timestamp"], $set2["hhmm"], $set2["hh:mm"] ); } else { return array( $rise["timestamp"], $rise["hhmm"], $rise["hh:mm"], $set["timestamp"], $set["hhmm"], $set["hh:mm"], false, false, false, false, false, false ); } } // Low precision formulae for planetary position, Flandern & Pulkkinen // returns ra and dec of Moon to 5 arc min (ra) and 1 arc min (dec) // for a few centuries either side of J2000.0 // Predicts rise and set times to within minutes for about 500 years private function miniMoon($T) { $l0 = $this->frac(0.606433 + 1336.855225 * $T); $l = 2 * M_PI * $this->frac(0.374897 + 1325.552410 * $T); $ls = 2 * M_PI * $this->frac(0.993133 + 99.997361 * $T); $d = 2 * M_PI * $this->frac(0.827361 + 1236.853086 * $T); $f = 2 * M_PI * $this->frac(0.259086 + 1342.227825 * $T); // perturbation $dl = 22640 * sin($l); $dl+= - 4586 * sin($l - 2 * $d); $dl+= + 2370 * sin(2 * $d); $dl+= + 769 * sin(2 * $l); $dl+= - 668 * sin($ls); $dl+= - 412 * sin(2 * $f); $dl+= - 212 * sin(2 * $l - 2 * $d); $dl+= - 206 * sin($l + $ls - 2 * $d); $dl+= + 192 * sin($l + 2 * $d); $dl+= - 165 * sin($ls - 2 * $d); $dl+= - 125 * sin($d); $dl+= - 110 * sin($l + $ls); $dl+= + 148 * sin($l - $ls); $dl+= - 55 * sin(2 * $f - 2 * $d); $s = $f + ($dl + 412 * sin(2 * $f) + 541 * sin($ls)) / self::ARC; $h = $f - 2 * $d; $n = - 526 * sin($h); $n+= + 44 * sin($l + $h); $n+= - 31 * sin(-$l + $h); $n+= - 23 * sin($ls + $h); $n+= + 11 * sin(-$ls + $h); $n+= - 25 * sin(-2 * $l + $f); $n+= + 21 * sin(-$l + $f); $l_moon = 2 * M_PI * $this->frac($l0 + $dl / 1296000); $b_moon = (18520.0 * sin($s) + $n) / self::ARC; // convert to equatorial coords using a fixed ecliptic $cb = cos($b_moon); $x = $cb * cos($l_moon); $v = $cb * sin($l_moon); $w = sin($b_moon); $y = self::COS_EPS * $v - self::SIN_EPS * $w; $z = self::SIN_EPS * $v + self::COS_EPS * $w; $rho = sqrt(1.0 - $z * $z); $de = (180 / M_PI) * atan($z / $rho); $RA = (24 / M_PI) * atan($y / ($x + $rho)); if ($RA < 0) $RA+= 24; return (array( $RA, $de )); } // finds the parabola through the three points (-1,ym), (0,yz), (1, yp) and returns // the coordinates of the values of x where the parabola crosses zero (roots of the quadratic) // and the number of roots (0, 1 or 2) within the interval [-1, 1] private function quad($ym, $yz, $yp) { $z1 = $z2 = 0; $nz = 0; $a = 0.5 * ($ym + $yp) - $yz; $b = 0.5 * ($yp - $ym); $c = $yz; $xe = - $b / (2 * $a); $ye = ($a * $xe + $b) * $xe + $c; $dis = $b * $b - 4.0 * $a * $c; if ($dis > 0) { $dx = 0.5 * sqrt($dis) / abs($a); $z1 = $xe - $dx; $z2 = $xe + $dx; if (abs($z1) <= 1.0) $nz+= 1; if (abs($z2) <= 1.0) $nz+= 1; if ($z1 < - 1.0) $z1 = $z2; } return (array( $nz, $z1, $z2, $xe, $ye )); } private function getJulianDate($t) { // return $t/86400 + 2440587.5; // only for 64bit && year > 1582 $jd = gregoriantojd(gmdate("n", $t) , gmdate("j", $t) , gmdate("Y", $t)) - 0.5; $jd+= gmdate("H", $t) / 24 + gmdate("i", $t) / 1440 + gmdate("s", $t) / 86400; return ($jd); } // returns the local sidereal time (degree) private function getLST($jd) { $mjd = $jd - 2451545.0; $lst = $this->range(280.46061837 + 360.98564736629 * $mjd); return ($lst + $this->earthLongitude) / 15; } // round time, return array(timestamp, "hhmm", "hh:mm") private function formatTime($t) { $t0 = 60 * (int)($t / 60 + 0.5); if (date("j", (integer)$t) == date("j", $t0)) $t = $t0; return array( $t, date("Hi", $t) , date("H:i", $t) ); } private function frac($x) { return ($x - floor($x)); } private function range($x) { return ($x - 360.0 * (Floor($x / 360.0))); } private function dsin($x) { return (sin($x * self::DEGRAD)); } private function dcos($x) { return (cos($x * self::DEGRAD)); } } // end class MoonRiSet // end get-USNO-sunmoon.php // ------------------------------------------------------------------